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Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"

Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"

I am trying to identify a pool cue with the letter "S" near the butt cap.

Is this possibly a "SLADE" cue? I took it to a custom wood worker who said the wood is Ebony.

The closest thing I found online using the old english letter "S" stamped on the butt was here on this site, I think. It wasn't the exact same styling of the letter "S" but a very very close variation.

The cure also has an interesting curvy handle design. It is the nicest feeling cue I have ever held. It is a heavy cue weighing in at 21 oz.

Any help would be so appreciated.



IMG_20200125_102747.jpg 20200125090901.JPG


Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"

Replies & Comments

  1. offgridbilliardsforum on 1/26/2020 7:31:29 AM

    I am not sure on this one.

    • I'm 99% sure it isn't a Slade cue.
    • I then thought it might be a Schmelke cue (but it is NOT—they typically have the full name on them).

    I then went on to search for cues with similar styled handle. Apparently this style is called a "dooley pool cue" or a "dooley handle". Stealth makes them now, but your's isn't a Stealth cue.

    There's a company from California called Topper Cues who makes them. Here's an example of a Topper cue from an earlier question (though I don't think this is the brand of your cue):

    There's also "Bob Cue" by (late) California cue maker Bob Renis, but again, I still don't think that's it because I've never seen one with a "S" on it, but I thought of it because of the similarities in the rings and handle design between yours and some Bob Cues:

    • bob-renis-pool-cue-bob-cue.jpg

    But it is definitely not a Bob Renis BobCue.

    There is also a line of cues with a VERY similar letter "S" on a sticker, but it's not identical, and I am not sure that it's the same. This cue is a "Harry Sims" cue from the 1970s I think. I am 99% sure it's not the same brand as your cue.

    Harry Sims was a 2x National Champion in 3 Cushion billiards, he also was a table mechanic/cue maker and room owner in St.Louis, MO. of Airport Billiards. He passed away 7-8 years ago.


    Another Harry Sims cue:


    NOW - I DID find another cue with the identical logo, which the seller THOUGHT was a Bob Cue by Bob Renis, but was incorrect with that. It was determined to be a "Scepter Cue" / "Scepter Pool Cue" but I have yet to find any other info on them:


  2. offgridoffgrid on 1/27/2020 3:45:10 PM

    Thank you so much for the very thorough response.

    Interestingly, I bought this cue in North County San Diego. It seems that would lend a little support to the Bob Renis possibility.

    So far I have been unable to find a Scepter cue in this shape or wood type.

    Another possibility is that the "S" was added by the owner.

    Let me know if you find any other info.

  3. offgridbilliardsforum on 1/27/2020 4:44:58 PM

    I agree the location connection with Bob Renis is interesting.

    Given that there is another cue with the identical letter "S" (the last one in my original reply), I am doubtful that it was added by the owner.

    I'll continue looking. Please let me know if you find anything in the meanwhile.

  4. offgriddebzcue on 2/4/2020 12:03:23 AM

    I knew the makers of this amazing cue and can give you the information you need.

    I just posted a photo of mine: Dooley Cue with Letter "S" on the Butt

    Feel free to get in contact.

    (360) 784-0019

  5. offgriduser1597414605 on 8/14/2020 7:16:46 AM

    It is a Scepter cue. The cue maker is a old fella from Rathdrum, Idaho that died some years ago.

    There are very few of them left, and I have two of them.

  6. offgridlostagirl on 3/15/2021 6:38:30 PM

    It is indeed a Scepter cue and I would love to have one if anyone knows where I can buy one!

    My boyfriend has one and it's amazing. This is my boyfriend's scepter. It's very similar.


  7. offgriduser1672524476 on 12/31/2022 2:16:15 PM

    Do you still have this Scepter cue stick, and if so, is it for sale?

  8. offgriduser1663897433 on 6/13/2023 11:10:00 PM

    How much is a Scepter pool cue like this worth?

  9. offgriduser1672524476 on 6/13/2023 11:13:53 PM

    I have no idea of their value, but I knew a guy that had one. It was the best pool cue I have ever laid my hands on.

    I’d love to have at least one Scepter cue.

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Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"

  • Title: Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/25/2020 10:49:53 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/26/2020 7:41:06 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)