Aiming and Execution Tutorials for Billiards
Billiard and pool playing tips around shot making, aiming, and execution.
Aiming and Execution Tutorials for Billiards
Welcome to the shot aiming and execution tutorials for both billiards and pool. Shot making can be a difficult thing to master for some; especially the aiming part. These tutorials should help you become a master in aiming and executing your billiard shots.
Billiard and pool playing tips around shot making, aiming, and execution.
Thanks for visiting the shot aiming and execution tutorials for both billiards and pool. Aiming is critical in anyones pool skills repetoire. We hope these aiming and shot execution tutorials have been of help in your quest for pool playing perfection.
Aiming and Execution Tutorials for Billiards
- Title: Aiming and Execution Tutorials for Billiards
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/4/2008 1:23:00 AM
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