Is the Table Still Open After a Scratch on Break Shot?
10/2/2018 3:57:35 PM
Is the Table Still Open After a Scratch on Break Shot?
In last-pocket 8-ball rules, is the table still open when you scratch on the break?
For example, if you made a small/low/solid ball during your break shot, but you scratched, does it mean the table is still open? Or is your group now the solid/low/small balls?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is the Table Still Open After a Scratch on Break Shot?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/3/2018 3:43:59 AM
Last-pocket eight ball follows the standard eight-ball pool rules.
In the standard eight-ball rules, it is clear as to what happens when you scratch on the break shot.
Scratch on a Break Shot, 8 Ball
If a player scratches on a legal break shot, all balls pocketed remain pocketed (exception, the 8-ball: see "8-Ball Pocketed on the Break" below), it is a foul and the table is open.
Also note that "choice of group" is NEVER determined on the break shot.
See the post Solids or Stripes after Break Shot Scratch where I explain the what happens when you scratch on the cue ball in the break shot in more detail.
Is the Table Still Open After a Scratch on Break Shot?
- Title: Is the Table Still Open After a Scratch on Break Shot?
- Author: user1538521054 (Mike Huynh)
- Published: 10/2/2018 3:57:35 PM
- Last Updated: 10/3/2018 3:29:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)