Value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool Table
7/9/2019 12:18:02 PM
Value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool Table
What is the value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool table?
I have one that has been in my family for years, but we no longer have the space to keep it in.
It has the original balls and cue sticks, and takes two dimes to play. New felt is needed due to it being in storage.
Can anyone let me know what it is worth?
Any information would be appreciated.
Value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 7/9/2019 1:47:09 PM
Value is very little due to it being a niche item that doesn't have a large demand.
If you find the right buyer, perhaps $200-$500 depending on condition, etc.
Also, see these:
MissM on 7/9/2019 2:24:10 PM
Thank you for your reply and information.
Looking at the pictures and instructions, there appears that there should be a third hole in the center. That is not the case with mine as the hole was never opened. So what I have is a 2-hole bumper pool table.
billiardsforum on 7/9/2019 2:28:36 PM
Oh yeah, I missed that.
No difference in value either way though.
Value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool Table
- Title: Value of a 1955 Exhibits Deluxe Skill Pool Table
- Author: MissM
- Published: 7/9/2019 12:18:02 PM
- Last Updated: 7/9/2019 12:59:16 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)