Removable Pool Table Pocket Shims
10/24/2009 10:42:14 AM
Removable Pool Table Pocket Shims
Needing to make the pockets of his pool table smaller to help with his accuracy, a member requested how this could be done. We did some research and found that billiard table pocket shims are a common pool table accessory in accomplishing that task. These are temporary pool table pocket shims because they are removable.
Buy these pool table pocket shims from
We also found info on closely related topics of pool table pocket plugs, pocket inserts, and carom conversion kits, which we talked about in another post.
But some ask: Should I use shims in my pool table pockets at all, and If so, Why? (Shimming is when you build in material to make the openings of the pockets smaller - it is a permanent solution, not a temporary one.
Some info and opinions on billiard table shims for pocket openings (with my comments below each):
If your table's pockets were ridiculously huge, say 6", you would almost not have a choice, but with 5" pockets I would not shim.
If 6 inches was ridiculously huge, why would you have bought the table in the first place?
The problem with shims is that you have to change your entire game to play on them. Position play, speed, patterns, they all must change, because there are many shot options that are simply unavailable a player on a shimmed, tight pocket table.
Well, not really. You just have to be more precise in your cuing and stroke. No sloppy shots because your pool table's pockets are tighter. You'll have better skills for "threading the needle" so to speak when it comes to competition time. It's when a baseball player practices or takes a few swings with the weighted down bat, then goes out and uses a "normal" bat and creams the ball.
For instance, say you are facing a fairly straight in shot and you need to get down table. On a shimmed tight pocket, your only option may be a strong draw shot with english straight back to the rail and down table. On a regular table, on the other hand, you could easily cheat the pocket and follow the shot out, force it two rails, or a host of other options.
This is just 1 situation of about a zillion possible situations. It only causes you to have to develop your precision and skill with limited shot options.
Another example would be where on a "normal" table, the best option is cinching the shot you are on and rolling out a few inches for long position, whereas this position option has a slim to none percentage on a tight pocket so you are forced to slam the shot to force the cue ball two rails. I also think that it is not good for your game to always have to shoot super tight to accomplish decent play.
Why is it not good for your game? That makes no sense, since all other shots will be (seem) very easy.
It leads to frustration and makes you tight. However, I do think that practicing on a tight pocket SOMETIMES is great for your game. It forces you to focus and not be lazy both with pocketing and position. It's also great when you jump on a standard table from a tight pocket, and the pockets look they're the size of manhole covers. I always like to practice on a tight pocket before a tournament. So in answer to your question, do I agree?, I choose neither option; instead I say: buy pocket reducers for forty bucks!
When you say "It leads to frustration and makes you tight." - I'd argue the "it" is one's own personality, and not the table or pockets.
Removable Pool Table Pocket Shims
Removable Pool Table Pocket Shims
- Title: Removable Pool Table Pocket Shims
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 10/24/2009 10:42:14 AM