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Identify Age and Model of a Koehler & Hinrichs Pool Table

Identify Age and Model of a Koehler & Hinrichs Pool Table

Can anyone help me ID this Koehler & Hinrichs pool table?

The name plate says:

Incomparable Electric Cushions
Koehler & Hinrichs
St. Paul, Minn.



Identify Age and Model of a Koehler & Hinrichs Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1680884379billiardsforum on 4/19/2023 11:50:11 AM

    I can't really see any of the unique details of the pool table that would help identify the model.

    Clear photos of the legs and aprons (sides) would help.

    In the meanwhile, please see the answers to Help Identifying a Koehler & Hinrichs 8ft Table for more info.

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Identify Age and Model of a Koehler & Hinrichs Pool Table

  • Title: Identify Age and Model of a Koehler & Hinrichs Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/7/2023 4:19:40 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/19/2023 11:38:46 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)