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Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value

Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value

Does anyone know how much this Steve Mizerak pool cue is worth?

It has a dove logo on the butt cap.


Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value

Replies & Comments

  1. Larry Dameronbilliardsforum on 11/8/2021 10:15:44 AM

    It's a Dove logo Steve Mizerak model #860 "Osprey" from "The Birds of Florida" series, circa 1990-1993-ish.


    Regarding it's value, see the following questions. Specifically, see @chopdoc's answers about half-way down in each. He's probably the most knowledgeable person on this series that you'll find.

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Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value

  • Title: Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/26/2021 8:14:01 AM
  • Last Updated: 11/8/2021 9:56:50 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)