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Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue

Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue

Is anyone able to tell me an approximate year and/or model of this Meucci original as well as approximate worth?

I feel like it’s the same as the one in the top of this other Meucci Originals question thread but want to get confirmation.


Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. mansoor90billiardsforum on 9/18/2019 2:39:44 PM

    No, your cue isn't the same as the one in that other post. Not even from the same series.

    You have a Meucci HI-RUN (in black) - from the Meucci Starter Collection series.

    It would be from late 1980s most likely.

    This same model was later named the Meucci ST-4 in the next release of the series (circa 1990-ish), but in the catalogs for that, it has a darker forearm and the logo is closer to the forearm inlays.


    Here's the later version, the Meucci ST-4:


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Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue

  • Title: Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue
  • Author: (Michael Mansoor)
  • Published: 8/25/2019 6:21:53 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/18/2019 2:29:52 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)