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Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145

Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145

My Dad bought this pool cue in 1970 or 1971. He hustled pool for a living before and after I was born in 1971.

I think this is a Gandy HC-145 pool cue.

The wrap was redone about 14 years ago.

I was looking for more manufacturer information, and any info would be appreciated.




Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145

Replies & Comments

  1. deonamebilliardsforum on 2/7/2023 3:30:05 PM

    Yes, it is a Gandy HC-145 cue.

    Based on when you said it was purchased, it would have been made by Rigoberto "Ricco" Cervantes, a world-renowned master cue maker who retired in mid 1995. He made cues for Gandy between 1969 and 1973.

    There are a few other questions on this cue, and there is some good info in the answers to those questions. See:

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Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145

  • Title: Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145
  • Author: (Dewey Name)
  • Published: 1/24/2023 9:09:52 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/7/2023 3:12:11 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)