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Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion

Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion

This is for Brent of BHQ custom cues, or anyone else that wants to add their 2 cents.

Recently I was given a few really old cues, all one-piece cues.

This one, I really think might have some potential.

It has the BIGGEST THICKEST Butt I've ever seen. I can barely get my hands around it. It is almost 3 inches around and 1-3/8 across and it has a "21" stamped on it. I'm sure that's the weight. At 57-1/2 inches long, this thing is a monster.

Now for the bad news. The points don't line up. They are off almost 1/4-1/2 inches.

I am trying to decide whether or not this cue is worth a conversion. Could it be a Brunswick or some other sought after cue, or are these even sought after at all?

Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion

Replies & Comments

  1. ccn7BHQ on 6/29/2007 2:13:40 PM

    If the pool cue is that fat, the points can be adjusted with no problems.

    I'm almost 99.99% sure top cue isn't a Brunswick cue. The points are squared off at bottom like Dufferin cues and valley cues.

    Is there any writing or anything else on them?

  2. ccn7ccn7 on 6/29/2007 3:12:26 PM

    Thanks for the info. Oh well, I was just wondering, and now I know. It is still the biggest dang pool cue I've ever seen. Oh what a bar room cue it would make.

    BTW the other cue is my Lucasi. I was just trying to show the difference in size.

  3. ccn7Bishop on 6/29/2007 3:51:48 PM

    You should still make a conversion cue out of it. It'd be nice with some inlays and a fat Hoppe ring. White with green spec wrap. I see potential.

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Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion

  • Title: Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion
  • Author: (Floyd Tibbetts)
  • Published: 6/28/2007 6:27:36 PM