Live Streaming Should Help Increase the Popularity of Billiards in Canada
A commentary on the use of live streaming feeds to bolster the popularity of cue sports in Canada.
Live Streaming Should Help Increase the Popularity of Billiards in Canada
Canadian sports fans are spoilt for choice when it comes to TV viewing. Channels such as TSN have round-the-clock coverage of NHL and the MLB, but many sports, which are often perceived to be niche, tend to be tucked away in the middle of the night. However, live streaming has helped breath new life into many of these overlooked past-times. Sports such as arm wrestling and karate combat are constantly gaining increased exposure, and the ability to access these pictures online has also helped them attract a younger audience. Billiards is one of many sports to have taken advantage of technology, with social media platforms now allowing aficionados to watch tournaments such as the World Billiard Championships and WPBA Masters at their leisure. With many of these events opting to add colorful commentary to the pictures, it has heightened viewer interaction with the sport, and these efforts could potentially help spawn the next generation of billiards fanatics.
Despite a number of ups and downs in recent years, billiards still remains a popular past-time throughout Canada, and the sport has enjoyed a noticeable upturn in numbers. There are around 200,000 regular players who pick up the cue on a weekly basis and enjoy the social and competitive nature of the game. Reports suggest the number of female participants has increased over the last twelve months, and this upward trajectory isn't expected to show signs of slowing down anytime soon.
The number of tournaments held in North America has also slowly begun to increase, with the CCS (Canadian Cue Sport Association) working tirelessly to raise the profile of the sport. In 2018, a three-day tournament was staged in Charlottetown, with the P.E.I. 8-Ball League opting to live stream every single game. With $1,000 of prize money available, the event attracted a decent caliber of competitor, and many spectators enjoyed the opportunity to sample the action from the comfort of their own home.
Viewers could access the pictures through the official Cue Sports Live website, via Facebook or on Youtube, with play-by-play commentary added to help give some context for potential newcomers. It was the first time that the event had taken this approach, and they are likely to expand their offering further in 2019. Billiards TV is also available via Twitch, an online streaming site which specializes in eSports and other "games". The latter attracts a large number of viewers on a nightly basis, with players also now able to live stream themselves playing the game.
Billiards tournaments such as the Canadian 30K Tour are also streamed live and have attracted a healthy audience. Erik Hjorliefson came out on top in a typically competitive event in 2019, and viewers delighted in being able to follow every single minute of the contest.
There is certainly a renewed interest in the sport, and live streaming will surely help boost those numbers further. It is a great opportunity to follow the progress of the professionals, and enjoy tournaments that are being staged all around the world. The next generation of billiards enthusiasts can now follow their favorite sport through social media, and more players are likely to pick up a cue as a result.
- Title: Live Streaming Should Help Increase the Popularity of Billiards in Canada
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 3/21/2019 3:17:44 PM
- Last Updated: 1/26/2020 2:17:24 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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