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Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards from an Abandoned Pool Hall

Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards from an Abandoned Pool Hall

I found these Saunier-Wilhem keno boards in an abandoned building in Cleveland that used to house a pool hall.

This looks like a board that was placed on a pool table. Like an early version of a pinball game.

Thanks for the help.




Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards from an Abandoned Pool Hall

Replies & Comments

  1. OhioPoolBallBuster on 4/21/2022 2:35:39 PM

    That is a cool find!

  2. OhioPoolRayMills on 4/21/2022 4:37:21 PM

    This appears to be a version of what this site calls an Amos 'n Andy board. Although I guess their TV show showed them playing pool (in the 1940s?), I've never been able to learn why their names are ascribed to it.

    If you look at Plans to Build an Amos & Andy Board, there is a closely-matching photo of one of these, and some more info.

  3. OhioPoolbilliardsforum on 5/6/2022 3:06:07 AM


    I've never been able to learn why their names are ascribed to it.

    Though this is anecdotal, here's what I think:

    I believe they played on one of these in the Amos & Andy show, and it being such a popular show at the time, it pretty much brought this game into the mainstream.

    As such, the companies producing these boards likely wanted to capitalize on that and thus would have sought out a co-branding agreement with the show's rights holders.

    Given the popularity of the show, the majority of the owners of these boards would likely have had the Amos & Andy branded version, and thus it became know as an "Amos & Andy board".

    Again, take with a grain of salt, as it's simply my own thoughts on how the association came to be.

  4. OhioPooluser1659062331 on 7/28/2022 7:38:52 PM

    Would you be willing to sell one of these keno boards?

  5. OhioPooluser1693946505 on 9/5/2023 4:41:46 PM

    I would also be interested in buying one of the Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards.

  6. OhioPoolOhioPool on 9/5/2023 5:23:40 PM

    Thanks for the info and interest!

    Sorry, but the buyer of the building has claimed everything, including the keno boards.

  7. OhioPoolmrf1 on 12/11/2023 9:35:30 PM

    @OhioPool, do you have dimensions for the keno board game and if so, are you willing to share or sell the info?

    Thanks in advance,

  8. OhioPoolBallBuster on 12/12/2023 8:19:50 AM

    If you don't know what to do with it you can always turn it into a pool ball polisher ball holder.

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Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards from an Abandoned Pool Hall

  • Title: Saunier-Wilhem Keno Boards from an Abandoned Pool Hall
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/19/2022 9:55:23 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/6/2022 2:51:12 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)