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Penalty for Using a Measuring Device in Snooker

Penalty for Using a Measuring Device in Snooker

What happens if a snooker player uses a potted ball in order to judge whether he can fit through a gap in order to play a shot?

What is the penalty for using a measuring device in snooker?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Penalty for Using a Measuring Device in Snooker

Replies & Comments

  1. hookMitch Alsup on 2/26/2010 9:55:25 AM

    I don't know what the rule is in snooker, but using anything as a measuring device is a foul in pool.

    There is a fine line here, though. Using you cue stick as a pointing device is perfectly fine, however, if you let go of the cue stick at any point, it becomes a measuring device and a foul has been committed.

    Of course, if you are practicing at home, go ahead. Use the ball as a measuring device in order to develop your eye and your feel for whether or not a ball can pass. Just don't do it in public.

  2. hookterry bare on 2/26/2010 9:59:35 AM

    The answer is NO. Period.

    You can not use any measuring device in snooker.

    It's totally illegal to use any measuring devices.

  3. hookhook on 2/26/2010 10:02:03 AM


    But what is the penalty for using a measuring device in snooker? Is it four points awarded to the opponent?

    Also, what about the decision of whether he plays the shot, forces continue, or has a free ball?

  4. hookterry bare on 2/26/2010 10:22:34 AM

    I am not 100% sure of the penalty, but I would assume it would be the value of the ball you are on.

    For example, if you are measuring to get through to a color, it would be the value of that color:

    • black ball = 7 points
    • pink ball = 6 points
    • blue ball = 5 points
    • brown ball = 4 points

    The minimum penalty is 4 points for any foul.

    Yellow and green are worth 2 points and 3 points respectively, but a foul on either is worth 4 points. If you committed the measuring foul in a tournament, it could result in the loss of frame, but you probably would never see any player commit it.

  5. hookFox523 on 3/17/2010 10:56:00 PM

    It is a 7 point penalty in both WPBSA and IBSF rules.

    They are written exactly the same but the section reads:

    10. Penalties.

    (d) [A penalty of] seven points if the striker

    • (i) uses a ball off the table for any purpose,
    • (ii) uses any object to measure gaps or distance,
    • (iii) plays at Reds, or a free ball followed by a Red, in successive strokes,
    • (iv) uses any ball other than White as the cue-ball for any stroke once the frame has started,
    • (v) fails to declare which ball he is on when requested to do so by the referee, or
    • (vi) after potting a Red or free ball nominated as a Red, commits a foul before nominating a colour.
  6. hookLegacy Billiards on 9/20/2011 12:40:56 AM

    No you can not use any measuring device in snooker. Each legally potted color ball has a point value as indicated.

  7. hookdax00 on 8/14/2016 1:32:39 AM

    @Fox523 has the right answer. It would be a 7-point foul for using a measuring device regardless of the ball used or the ball the player is shooting for.

    That could also be cause for a warning from the referee.

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Penalty for Using a Measuring Device in Snooker

  • Title: Penalty for Using a Measuring Device in Snooker
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/26/2010 8:24:31 AM
  • Last Updated: 4/9/2019 2:33:37 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)