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Finally Getting Some Google Love

Finally Getting Some Google Love

This may not mean much to most of you but it is a big deal for us and how the billiards forum is treated in the search engines (which is, of course, how 90% of visitors find the site).

We were finally given "site links" in google:

Typically you don't get this type of result until you get substantial traffic, and until the search engine "trusts you" as a website.

I attribute this "win for the Billiards Forum" to all of you - the users of the forum. So, I want to say again, a big:

Thank You!

...to everyone who meaningfully contributes to the billiards, snooker, and cue sport industry discussions here at the billiards forum.

Finally Getting Some Google Love

Replies & Comments

  1. billiardsforumMitch Alsup on 7/3/2010 8:22:01 AM

    Congradulations--you've been seen.

  2. billiardsforumquickshot on 7/3/2010 7:32:25 PM

    Every so often something good happens to good things.

  3. billiardsforumguest on 7/23/2010 12:39:41 PM

    Hope you keep getting love! We will keep contributing....

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Finally Getting Some Google Love

  • Title: Finally Getting Some Google Love
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 7/3/2010 4:10:39 AM