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J. H. Keeney 1956 Flicker Pool Table Parts

J. H. Keeney 1956 Flicker Pool Table Parts

I have a 1950's Keeney Flicker Pool table, that I would like to refurbish the best that I can. Can anyone please provide resources, manuals or places to get replacement bumpers and other items? My biggest thing that I want to replace are the two different size bumper rings on the table, but I'm not exactly sure how they come off.

Yes, it works still.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!






J. H. Keeney 1956 Flicker Pool Table Parts

Replies & Comments

  1. meche96billiardsforum on 12/23/2016 8:51:38 AM

    Very cool. It looks to be in great shape.

    I can't help you in terms of where to find parts for the Keeney Flicker Pool table, but I did find an old J.H. Keeney & CO., INC. ad for Flicker Pool from back in the day, and a couple of pictures of another old table



    keeney-flicker-pool-table-1.jpg keeney-flicker-pool-table-4.jpg keeney-flicker-pool-table-2.jpg keeney-flicker-pool-table-3.jpg

  2. meche96user1544145572 on 12/6/2018 5:19:09 PM

    Are you still looking for parts?

  3. meche96meche96 on 12/6/2018 5:29:42 PM

    Yes, actually! Some of these parts like the bumpers are not standard like they may be nowadays for production bumper pool tables.

  4. meche96user1544145572 on 12/6/2018 5:39:10 PM

    I have this table, too. Actually, our family has 2. My cousin has the other one. At our annual parties, some of the best banter and games have been on this table.

  5. meche96meche96 on 12/6/2018 5:56:22 PM

    That's very cool! To have two of these Flicker Pool tables - you are extremely lucky I'd say!

    Any insight on parts or other tidbits?

    A friend of my sister says the innards look exactly like pinball table parts, which would make sense with the time period.

  6. meche96user1544145572 on 12/6/2018 6:00:20 PM

    This is my man cave where the Flicker Pool table lives along with a couple classic games.



  7. meche96meche96 on 12/6/2018 6:06:48 PM

    Classic is an understatement! Color me impressed, I imagine there's a lot of fun to be had in your man cave.

    You mentioned if I was still looking for parts, do you know of a source, or have you had your table refinished at all?

  8. meche96user1544145572 on 12/7/2018 6:03:49 AM

    As a kid, my dad would service it with his contact file and take the oxidation off the contacts. He was a double major EE/ME from Chicago Tech.


    In 1974, my parents gave the family table to one of my brothers, because he was close by and had the room for it. I was mortified and went looking for one on the internet when the capability began to develop on this new thing called the "World Wide Web". I searched eBay for 5 years before I found my table in 2003. It was a lively auction right at the very end.

    These tables don't ship well, so I flew to Chicago and rented a mini-van and drove 550 miles to assure that it wasn't damaged. It is in PRISTINE condition. Trying to restore one of these would be a bear. That table felt can't be replaced with anything that beats the original.

    What parts are you looking for?

    I had the fortune to acquire some parts related to the bumpers, etc.

  9. meche96meche96 on 12/14/2018 8:30:42 PM

    I am looking for bumpers, as well as any electrical components. Mostly the bumpers at the moment.

    I have not figured out how to remove and replace them.

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J. H. Keeney 1956 Flicker Pool Table Parts

  • Title: J. H. Keeney 1956 Flicker Pool Table Parts
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/21/2016 11:51:22 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/10/2017 7:03:53 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)