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Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table for Sale in Lafayette, LA

Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table for Sale in Lafayette, LA

Brunswick Anniversary pool table for sale. It came from my Dad’s pool tavern and is located near Lafayette, LA.

I am having to sell the house and I'm, trying to find a good owner.

It needs new pockets and probably new felt.

Was professionally moved and slate should be intact.





Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table for Sale in Lafayette, LA

Replies & Comments

  1. JTurkuser1560865505 on 6/18/2019 6:45:05 AM

    It looks like it has been well taken care of.

    • Was it refinished at some time?
    • Is it a 9-foot pool table?
    • Are more pics available? I'd especially like to see some from the underside.
    • How much are you asking for it?
  2. JTurkJTurk on 6/18/2019 8:12:27 AM

    It is a Pro-8 (46").

    It has never been refinished although my Dad routinely changed the cloth. It needs new pockets, probably bumpers, and some new felt, and the Brunswick name plate is cracked.

    I’ve got videos of wood but can’t seem to upload on this site. I can text or e-mail videos if interested.

  3. JTurkuser1560865505 on 6/18/2019 9:06:32 AM

    So I am guessing it is an "oversized 8 pro" version with a 46" x 92" playing area.

    Can you also let me know the outside dimensions, as well as how much you are asking for the pool table?

    You can email me the photos at mp99@sprynet.com

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Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table for Sale in Lafayette, LA

  • Title: Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table for Sale in Lafayette, LA
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/2/2019 8:41:02 AM
  • Last Updated: 6/5/2019 3:22:58 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)