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1890s Brunswick "Popular" Pool Table for Sale

1890s Brunswick "Popular" Pool Table for Sale

I have the following antique Brunswick "Popular" pool table for sale from the 1890s.

It is in excellent condition, and the sale include a pool table cover and extras.


1890s Brunswick "Popular" Pool Table for Sale

Replies & Comments

  1. user1580592155billiardsforum on 2/4/2020 4:30:12 PM

    Great looking old antique Brunswick-Balke-Collender pool table.

    Where is it located and what is your asking price?

  2. user1580592155user1580592155 on 2/4/2020 5:26:27 PM

    Pool table is located in Westchester County, NY.

    I am looking for a reasonable offer.

  3. user1580592155billiardsforum on 2/4/2020 5:33:40 PM


    Potential buyers, including myself, are looking to understand what you consider to be a "reasonable offer".

    It's a great looking pool table, and I'm sure you'll have interest, but I'm not interested in pricing your item so that I can buy it from you.

  4. user1580592155user1580592155 on 2/5/2020 6:09:22 PM

    The truth is I don’t know how much to ask.

    You’re right - I should have a number.

    I’m going to get some advice and then I will post the asking price.

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1890s Brunswick "Popular" Pool Table for Sale

  • Title: 1890s Brunswick "Popular" Pool Table for Sale
  • Author: (Alex Altman)
  • Published: 2/1/2020 1:22:36 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/4/2020 4:24:51 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)