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What is the Value of a 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crown II Pool Table

What is the Value of a 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crown II Pool Table

What is the value of a Brunswick Gold Crown 2 pool table?

Does anyone know what this pool table shown below might be worth? It is a 9-foot Brunswick Gold Crown 2 pool table. What is it's value?


What is the Value of a 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crown II Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1698874368billiardsforum on 11/3/2023 7:16:09 AM

    The 9-foot Gold Crown pool tables are worth around $3000 (give or take, based on condition).

    However, in reality, it really depends on the supply in the market in your local area and who is looking at any given time.

    There are quite a few Brunswick Gold Crown pool tables for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and those listed at $3000 or higher often don't sell or take a long time to sell.

    There are some on there priced at $1000 and $2000 right now.

    Best thing to do is check the listings in your area (with a search radius of about 300 miles).

  2. user1698874368user1698874368 on 11/3/2023 8:04:39 AM

    Thank you. I haven't seen many ads for this type of pool table, but I will keep looking.

  3. user1698874368billiardsforum on 11/3/2023 8:12:31 AM

    Search Facebook Marketplace for the words "Gold Crown", and be sure to set the geographical radius to about 200 miles around your location.

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What is the Value of a 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crown II Pool Table

  • Title: What is the Value of a 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crown II Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/1/2023 5:32:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/3/2023 7:07:10 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)