Value of an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table
7/19/2022 11:29:22 AM
Value of an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table
How much is an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary pool table with a 3-piece slate worth?
The pool table is at least 20 years old and is in good shape. It has the numbers 1/51-862915-000 stamped in the frame.
I want to know it's value.
Value of an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/3/2022 8:05:53 AM
Without seeing the full pool table, it's hard to say. Condition is everything when valuing used pool tables. It will also help to know the general region in which the pool table is located.
In general, pool table stores selling used Brunswick Anniversary pool tables tend to price them between $3000 and $5000 (usually including delivery and setup, and usually with new cloth and an in-store warranty, etc.), but I believe that range is over twice what they're worth.
Private sellers can't expect that same range. The market is flooded with used pool tables (and has been for a long time). In general you're looking at $1000 or less. But again, it all depends on the condition, your location, and what, if anything comes with it.
Upload a few photos and we'll go from there.
Value of an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table
- Title: Value of an 8-foot Brunswick Anniversary Pool Table
- Author: user1658255361 (T. Grigsby)
- Published: 7/19/2022 11:29:22 AM
- Last Updated: 8/3/2022 8:04:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)