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Value of a Coin-Op Fischer Bar Pool Table with Coin-Op Removed

Value of a Coin-Op Fischer Bar Pool Table with Coin-Op Removed

I have a Fischer pool table, formerly coin operated, with serial number G07735.

Does anyone know the value of a Fischer pool table that has had it's coin-op mechanisms removed?

I was told that it would cost approximately $600 to put new cushions and cloth on it).

I want to sell it and would like advice on what it is worth so I know how much to ask for it.

Value of a Coin-Op Fischer Bar Pool Table with Coin-Op Removed

Replies & Comments

  1. Asha71billiardsforum on 11/20/2020 3:23:14 AM

    There's nothing I can help you with without seeing photos of the pool table.

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Value of a Coin-Op Fischer Bar Pool Table with Coin-Op Removed

  • Title: Value of a Coin-Op Fischer Bar Pool Table with Coin-Op Removed
  • Author: (Natasha Eddleman)
  • Published: 11/16/2020 2:03:24 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/20/2020 3:25:54 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)