Value of a 9-Foot Early-1900s Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
1/27/2023 6:18:55 PM
Value of a 9-Foot Early-1900s Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
I have an old 9-foot antique Brunswick Balke Collender pool table and I want to know how much it is worth.
It had the numbers 324 78
stamped on the side opposite to the metal Brunswick Balke Collender name plate. I do not know what that means.
The copyright plate on the pool table has dates from 1890 to 1903.
I moved so I had to disassemble the pool table, and don't have a picture of it.
It has the leather pockets, and a 4-piece slate.
Everything is in good order with all the hardware and the original tool to fasten the outside rail bolts.
I want to sell this pool table but don't know what a fair price is.
It is located in Seneca, TX.
Value of a 9-Foot Early-1900s Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/7/2023 7:54:05 AM
Without photos, there's nothing we'll be able to do for you in terms of valuing your antique Brunswick pool table.
In order to value it, we need to know:
- The model and age of the pool table - Brunswick pool tables of that era had a wide range of styles, intricacy, finishes, etc., and some are more sought-after than others. Some of intricate marquetry and inlays, and others do not, etc. That's just one example of many.
- The condition of the pool table - I know you've said that everything is in "good order" but descriptions are subjective at best. The person valuing the pool table needs to be able to see clear, well-lit photos of the top, sides, legs, and frame.
If you can find or take some photos, we can go from there and try to value your Brunswick Balke Collender pool table.
user1674861534 on 2/8/2023 12:58:03 PM
It's a little like the one on the question Identify 9' Brunswick Pool Table and Value It. It may not be a Montecillo model like the photos though.
My pool table does not have particle board rails. They are solid oak.
Mine has a four-piece slate.
Stamped into the wood on the back side of the side are 324:78.
The patent label on the outside of this side support board states they range from Aug 23, 1903 to May 16, 1903.
billiardsforum on 2/12/2023 8:43:11 AM
There's absolutely nothing anyone can do to help you ID your pool table until we can see what you have.
Describing a Brunswick model is impossible, as there are many hundreds.
Upload several clear, well-lit photos and we'll try to identify your pool table model.
Value of a 9-Foot Early-1900s Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
- Title: Value of a 9-Foot Early-1900s Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
- Author: user1674861534 (C. J. Jarn)
- Published: 1/27/2023 6:18:55 PM
- Last Updated: 2/7/2023 7:49:26 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)