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Value of a 1995 Brunswick "The Jewel" Pool Table Remake

Value of a 1995 Brunswick "The Jewel" Pool Table Remake

How much is a 1995 re-release of the Brunswick "The Jewel" pool table worth?

I recently purchased a lot from an auction and one of the items was a pool table broken down and wrapped on a pallet. Long story short, it turns out that it is Brunswick remake of "The Jewel" pool table model that they re-released in 1995. I bought it and was planning on keeping it as my wife and I love to play pool, but we haven't bought a house yet that can support a pool table.

So basically whats it worth?

I can't find hardly anything online in terms of previous ones that have sold.






Value of a 1995 Brunswick "The Jewel" Pool Table Remake

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Value of a 1995 Brunswick "The Jewel" Pool Table Remake

  • Title: Value of a 1995 Brunswick "The Jewel" Pool Table Remake
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/20/2023 3:39:14 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/26/2023 5:11:42 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)