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Irving Kaye Value

Irving Kaye Value

I have this bar style pool table I’m getting rid of.how much should I ask for it. It’s in good condition. 59” x 102” on the outside.

North of Baltimore if anyone wants it in here.




Irving Kaye Value

Replies & Comments

  1. OX344billiardsforum on 1/12/2024 2:37:35 PM

    You have the Irving Kaye "Antique Apollo" pool table model.

    It's a 1970s-style pool table.

    These pool tables aren't worth a whole lot, and in fact, these (and ones like them) are often found on classified sites for free.

    You might be able to get a couple of hundred dollars for it, give or take, depending on the market in the area.


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Irving Kaye Value

  • Title: Irving Kaye Value
  • Author: (Eli Adams)
  • Published: 1/9/2024 6:33:27 PM