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How Much is a 9-Foot All-Tech Industries Pool Table Worth?

How Much is a 9-Foot All-Tech Industries Pool Table Worth?

I have an All Tech Industries pool table for sale from the middle 1960s

I believe the pool table is a 9-footer ATI pool table.

I am not sure what to ask for the price. I have a few thoughts but I'm going to have to sell it soon.


How Much is a 9-Foot All-Tech Industries Pool Table Worth?

Replies & Comments

  1. lbloom726billiardsforum on 1/20/2020 5:00:50 PM

    These older pool tables don't sell for much in general.

    In the condition yours is in, you are looking at well-under $500. After paying moving expenses, the buyer will need new cushions and new cloth, which will run at least $200 more.

    It's a buyer's market in general, and there is an abundance of used pool tables for sale.

    Good luck with the sale!

  2. lbloom726BallBuster on 1/20/2020 7:02:25 PM

    I would not buy this pool table, but would take it for free.

    Recently I passed on buying a good, vintage, Robertson 9' pro pool table. They sent me a PM saying "come pick it up for free", which I did. I then restored it and now it is playing great but it was a LOT of work.


    Here it is - as I found it:




  3. lbloom726billiardsforum on 1/21/2020 2:02:57 AM

    Yes, exactly! This is what I generally tell everyone looking to value a dated 1960s or 1970s style pool table.

    It has been a "buyers market" for years now... and I see this all of the time - pool tables "free to the first one who comes and takes it".

    It's hard to sell a used pool table these days unless you either:

    • (a) have LOTS of time to wait for the right buyer,
    • (b) practically give it away, or
    • (c) it's a professional or commercial-grade pool table (which always tend to be in demand by serious pool players).

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How Much is a 9-Foot All-Tech Industries Pool Table Worth?

  • Title: How Much is a 9-Foot All-Tech Industries Pool Table Worth?
  • Author: (L. Bloom)
  • Published: 1/20/2020 7:06:28 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/20/2020 4:56:28 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)