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Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table Value

Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table Value

I was recently given a Fischer Empire VIII pool table. The moving people I used to transport it from the in-laws to my garage, said that it was a rare table and offered me $1200. I told him no, because I didn't know the value, so I was not sure if I was getting suckered or offered a great deal.

Does anybody have any info on this type of table? I have searched the net, and have continually come up short.

Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table Value

Replies & Comments

  1. Manchumike on 8/21/2011 4:48:25 PM

    I still have the same Fischer Empire VIII billiard table. Here is a picture of it:

  2. ManchuKathy on 11/29/2013 2:38:27 PM

    I own a Fischer Empire pool table with serial #408958, and I would like to find out what it is worth.

    I am also looking for a dealer of used Fischer pool tables in Arizona as I am interested in selling it.

  3. Manchulencoug on 4/24/2015 5:59:24 PM

    I have the same story with the same pool table. Did you get an accurate value for the pool table or find out how much a Fischer Empire VIII is worth?

  4. Manchubilliardsforum on 11/16/2016 2:32:58 PM

    In the 1960s, the retail price of a Fischer Empire VIII was $2200.

    Today, this table is worth $1200 if in excellent condition e.g. perfect, like-new, or fully restored. Price decreases (by about 50% for ones of average condition).

  5. ManchuBallBuster on 8/7/2022 6:09:06 PM

    There's a Fischer Empire VIII pool table for sale near Miami right now on Facebook Marketplace.

    If it were closer, I'd go make him an offer.

    Pool Table - 4x8 Fischer Empire VIII

    Location: Hollywood, FL Price: $390





    Source: facebook.com/marketplace/item/735317614392542/

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Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table Value

  • Title: Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/14/2011 10:00:53 AM