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Value of an Early 1900s Brunswick Billiard Table

Value of an Early 1900s Brunswick Billiard Table

I am looking to find the value of an early 1900s Brunswick billiard table. Does anyone know how much it is worth?

I am pretty sure it was purchased by my great grandfather at auction in Reading, PA some time in the 1930s.

My father, who recently passed away, had recently moved it into his house so it was re-felted and he also had all of the leather pockets re-made and installed.

The pool table is in fantastic condition, so I'm wondering if anyone has a ballpark value and possibly the year/era in which it may have been manufactured.

We are looking to sell it in the next three months.

It has two name plates (see photos below). They read as follows:

Brunswick Balke-Collender

Brunswick Billiard Table
Monarch Cushions
Manufactured By
The Brunswick Balke-Collender Company

J. Albert Gebhardt

J. Albert Gebhardt
Billiard Tables — Bowling Alleys
116 West Elm St.
Hazleton, Penna.








Value of an Early 1900s Brunswick Billiard Table

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Value of an Early 1900s Brunswick Billiard Table

  • Title: Value of an Early 1900s Brunswick Billiard Table
  • Author: (Tyler Penn)
  • Published: 10/10/2021 7:02:47 AM
  • Last Updated: 11/4/2021 2:53:01 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)