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Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Value

Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Value

Anyone know the price range or general value of a Brunswick Sierra pool table in very good condition?

Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Value

Replies & Comments

  1. stubilliardsforum on 6/26/2018 7:34:22 PM

    For sellers, it's a down market for used pool table, and this is a residential-grade pool table and thus, doesn't command a premium price at all.

    I usually value pool tables by looking at recent classified ads for the same brand and model. We have a couple of recent sales ($270 - $500) we can use to determine how much a Brunswick Sierra pool table is worth.

    9 ft Brunswick Sierra Pool Table

    • Price: $500
    • Location: Oak Forest, IL
    • Sold Date: July 2017

    Selling my 9ft Brunswick Sierra pool table for $500. The picture is what it looks like but it is disassembled right now. I have all the pieces including cue sticks, chalk, complete set. Has three heavy concrete slates. Cash and carry only.


    Then just last month, one sold for $270 (it was posted twice previously to this listing, for $400, then $300, and didn't sell both times). It did sell at $270.

    Used Brunswick pool table 1" 3-Piece Slate Surface

    • Price: $270
    • Location: Columbus, OH
    • Sold Date: July 2018


  2. stuuser1575152910 on 11/30/2019 2:28:31 PM

    The Brunswick Sierra is a home pool table.

    The slate likes to sag in the middle because they are not adequately framed out.

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Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Value

  • Title: Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/26/2018 6:50:36 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/26/2018 7:17:51 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)