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1940s Baker's Snooker Table Value and Info

1940s Baker's Snooker Table Value and Info

What is the value of a Baker's snooker table from the 1940's?

I can't find any information about it online. Can anyone tell me more about it including how much it is worth?

I also have a Brunswick 12 pool cue holder with inlaid mirror (included in picture), two billiard hanging lights(included in picture), old snooker balls and billiard balls the same size as the snooker balls, Brunswick pool cue chalk tin with chalk, old cue tip chalks, and pool cues.

Any info as to their worth would be appreciated.


1940s Baker's Snooker Table Value and Info

Replies & Comments

  1. Jennifer Skybergbilliardsforum on 10/16/2018 6:00:57 PM

    We'll need to see some full size photos of:

    1. The name plate on the Baker snooker table
    2. The Brunswick pool cues

    Most of the value would be derived from those two items, so seeing the details will be key in further assessing a value.

    Ideally you would post the pool cues separately in the pool cue value area, as there are a different group of folks with specialized knowledge of pool cues in that section, and you'll get better info that way.

  2. Jennifer SkybergJennifer Skyberg on 10/16/2018 7:54:23 PM

    Thank you for responding so quickly!

    Here are a few photos of the Baker's snooker table, and the snooker table info plate. The Brunswick pool cue rack and its info plate.

    I don't believe the pool cues are Brunswick. I may have missed putting the word rack or holder after pool cue. Sorry about that.

    I also posted pictures of the snooker balls and billiard balls I have. They are all 2 1/8" and the box says Aramith. There are 29 red ones, 2 white, 1 brown no number, 1 gray no number, and 12 with numbers.

    And also the Brunswick Cue Glide tin.

    Please let me know if you need additional photos of anything.

    Thank you again for your help.








  3. Jennifer SkybergJennifer Skyberg on 10/18/2018 1:14:13 PM


    I am just checking in to see if my photos came through and if you need anything else.

    Thank you!

  4. Jennifer Skybergbilliardsforum on 10/18/2018 2:52:49 PM

    Photos look amazing. Quite a nice set-up you have there.

    I've been digging and have not been able to find this exact model, but I can tell you it's not as old as most the antique Baker's pool tables you see out there.

    The pool cue rack is probably the prize-piece as far as age and collectible value goes. It should fetch you a decent amount.

    As for the Baker's snooker table, have you looked underneath for any markings. Here is the under-side of an older Baker's pool table which shows a patent date. Patents can give clues as to the age. There may also be other markings.


    I also found this tidbit of info, which you may also have found:

    The best way to find the age [of a Baker's billiard table] is to take a rail off. The year of manufacture should be stamped on the bottom. The year should be first with the number after it. "Corning Furniture & Billiards" bought out "Baker's Billiards" around the 1940's. Contact Corning Furniture MFG. in Corning, AR.

    And here are a few more photos of the that Baker's pool table in the patent photo above. I am 90% certain this one is older than yours.





    Sorry I don't have the answers you were looking for.

  5. Jennifer SkybergJennifer Skyberg on 10/18/2018 3:26:13 PM

    That's OK! Thank you so much for looking into it and for this info! Very helpful!

    If I were to sell the pool cue rack, what would you suggest I put on it for a starting price?

  6. Jennifer Skybergbilliardsforum on 10/18/2018 3:59:53 PM

    That's a tough one because there aren't a ton of these out there to research comparable sales.

    Fully restored it would bring $5000 or more. In it's natural, un-restored value, you might get half that if you have time to wait for the right buyer.

    Here are a few pointers:

    • The more time you have to sell it, the better you'll do. Timing is everything with the older collectible billiard furniture. The folks who buy this stuff aren't always in the market. If you have time, you can sell for higher and you can wait for the right buyer. If you are in a rush, you'll probably only get about half of what you could if you had unlimited time.
    • This one sold for $550. It's from the same era, but obviously a much smaller piece. There are more of these smaller ones around. Less of the larger mirrored ones. Yours is more rare than this.


    • Your piece wouldn't have been sold into the "residential market" unless it was purchased by a wealthy family for a private game room. Being the size that it is, it was likely taken out of a billiard club.
    • Here is the 1908 version of your cue rack. Yours may not be that old, but it's probably close.


    • This one is listed on eBay right now for $3000 (un-restored) but they probably won't get that (but it gives you an idea - it's similar to yours).


    Either way, good luck, and I would love to hear how much you end up getting for each of the pieces.

  7. Jennifer Skybergbilliardsforum on 10/18/2018 4:09:06 PM

    Re-reading my post, I realize I might have gave you a much-too-optimistic look at value. Those higher values in the other eBay listings probably will never be realized. Only the ones in the very best shape go for those prices, and I can't assess the condition of yours from the photos.

    A more realistic value would be between $800 and $1600 given that you probably can't wait forever to find the right buyer.

  8. Jennifer SkybergJennifer Skyberg on 10/18/2018 10:46:05 PM

    Thank you so much for this information! I really do appreciate it!

    I will let you for sure what the out come is on the different pieces of I sell them. Thanks again for your time!

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1940s Baker's Snooker Table Value and Info

  • Title: 1940s Baker's Snooker Table Value and Info
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/16/2018 9:24:11 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/16/2018 6:11:56 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)