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Screwing Slates to Frame of Pool Table

Screwing Slates to Frame of Pool Table

I just purchased a used 8ft 3-piece slate pool table.

When I reassemble it, should I attempt to realign the slates to the frame so that the 12 slate screws that hold slate to the frame go into the existing holes?

Or should I fill those holes (with epoxy wood filler?) and drill refresh ones?

Screwing Slates to Frame of Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. craigjRayMills on 1/20/2021 1:28:24 AM

    I've never done this operation, so my thoughts are mostly to let you know that your query has been considered (and I just love to hear myself type).

    Are you saying that each piece has four screws, or twelve? I've stuck to 1-piece slates in the five pool tables of my life.

    What you're implying is that you want to make sure that the slates are being immovably held vertically, whereas I would guess that their weight is on your side in this respect. They are more likely to be jostled horizontally by someone falling against the table, right? If true, I wouldn't want to introduce error by changing the table's attachment design. If the holes are worn somehow, I would compare/test the holding "power" of the original frame holes to the strength of the epoxy you would use.

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Screwing Slates to Frame of Pool Table

  • Title: Screwing Slates to Frame of Pool Table
  • Author: (Craig Jameson)
  • Published: 1/19/2021 2:11:21 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/20/2021 1:21:28 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)