Plans and Specs for a 7-Foot Pool Table
11/10/2021 7:50:31 AM
Plans and Specs for a 7-Foot Pool Table
I'm looking for the slate sizes and bolt patters for a 7-foot pool table.
I found a copy of a 8' pool table CLB pattern and I can read all the dimensions on it, and I also found a 7' pattern but I can't read any of the dimensions on that one.
Do you have a copy of the 7' CLB pattern that I can actually read?
Basically, I am trying to put together a 7' pool table. But, instead of a slate table top I want to try to make one out of a special plywood, so I am looking for the slate size, and all pocket and hole dimensions.
Thanks for your help!
Plans and Specs for a 7-Foot Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/11/2021 3:24:45 PM
Still not too sure what "CLB" means.
Here's a detailed diagram from a 1973 Popular Mechanics article and plans for building a 7-foot pool table.
Full disclosure; I'm not certain if the specs are still relevant today, nor have I used these plans personally.
RayMills on 11/13/2021 4:47:36 AM
A search revealed that "CLB" applies to 3-piece slates designed for C.L. Bailey and Olhausen tables.
Plans and Specs for a 7-Foot Pool Table
- Title: Plans and Specs for a 7-Foot Pool Table
- Author: Michael Koczor
- Published: 11/10/2021 7:50:31 AM
- Last Updated: 11/11/2021 1:56:50 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)