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English Bagatelle Table Cup Distance

English Bagatelle Table Cup Distance

I'm so happy to have found this site!

I live in the U.S. and recently discovered Bagatelle. I think it's a great game and I can't believe that the Bagatelle tables are no longer being made. I'm going to try and make my own, but I was unable to find out the distance between each cup.

Can anyone please help?

English Bagatelle Table Cup Distance

Replies & Comments

  1. user1533839472billiardsforum on 8/13/2018 3:07:09 PM

    I was able to locate a few schematics and/or bagatelle table plans, but there are so many different types of bagatelle tables.

    Can you point me toward a photo of one that looks like what you are trying to make?

  2. user1533839472user1533839472 on 8/14/2018 4:23:46 PM

    Thank you so much for your reply! Here is a pic of the style of bagatelle board that I am trying to build:


  3. user1533839472billiardsforum on 8/15/2018 2:44:41 PM

    Unfortunately I don't have any bagatelle table plans for this type of table, and thus, can't give you actual measurements or formulas.

    But, I did find a few tidbits to get you started or at least pointed in the right direction. One thing I can say for sure is that when I was searching for you, I noticed almost no standardization e.g. different hole sizes, different width between holes and the edges of the playing surface, etc.

    This first one has a few measurements which, depending on your math skills should let you compute/derive some of the points you are looking for.


    Next one may also help you decide on proportions and hole placement distance from edges. From an old patent image:


    I also saw an old book that said the board's length and width proportion is:

    between 6 to 10 ft. long, and in width about one-fourth of its length

    And from that same book, another few photos which might help you measure out porportions and then scale them up to real-life size:


  4. user1533839472user1533839472 on 8/17/2018 5:18:16 PM

    I greatly appreciate all of this information you sent me on English Bagatelle table layouts. I believe this will get me started.

    Thank you for all your help,

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English Bagatelle Table Cup Distance

  • Title: English Bagatelle Table Cup Distance
  • Author: (Lori Hall)
  • Published: 8/9/2018 11:31:13 AM
  • Last Updated: 8/13/2018 3:04:28 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)