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Do Pool Table Cushions Shrink Over Time?

Do Pool Table Cushions Shrink Over Time?

I've decided to refurbish my 50 year old 9-foot snooker table and I have removed one of the side rails to accurately measure the cushion rubber.

It measures 19 mm on the glue side and 20 mm on the felt side give or take .5 mm.

From the research I have done the L77 cushion is the closest match.

Could the 50 year old rubber cushion have shrunk with the cloth pressure? It isn't distorted and is still square-ish but somewhat hard.

As Eddie Charlton has passed away therefore I have no fear of him turning up for a game. In other words, the priority is for the snooker table to look good, but I want it done right.

Do Pool Table Cushions Shrink Over Time?

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Do Pool Table Cushions Shrink Over Time?

  • Title: Do Pool Table Cushions Shrink Over Time?
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/27/2020 8:30:32 PM
  • Last Updated: 10/8/2020 3:35:58 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)