Disassembling a Fischer Pool Table
11/15/2018 1:10:55 PM
Disassembling a Fischer Pool Table
I'm looking for anyone who has experience with disassembling Fischer pool tables.
Can you tell me how easy it is to disassemble a Fischer pool table?
I'm looking at buying one and trying to figure out if we can break it down enough to move it without hiring a company, because the miles to travel would add up and make it a little more expensive than we'd like.
After looking at the table we couldn't tell if we could easily get the slate out to move the slate by itself. From the looking I've done online, it appears the table is the Cavalier model.
I can't find any disassembly videos for a Fischer pool table, I'm guessing because they are so old, but wasn't sure if it was the same as other disassembly videos I've seen. So I have resorted to forums in hopes someone has disassembled one.
Any insight you might have on this would be appreciated!
Disassembling a Fischer Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/17/2018 6:34:02 AM
There isn't much out there as you know.
All I can give you are these photos from partially disassembled Fischer pool tables to help you make your decision. Also, the slate should just be sitting on there.
Also I DO have the disassembly instructions for a Fischer Duchess VIII-VII pool table apart. Some parts may be similar. Some of the instructions are odd... but it's an official document from Fischer.
Here is a Fischer Cavalier pool table with the slate lifted off so you can see the build detail.
Good luck and let us know what you end up doing.
hlthomas on 11/17/2018 8:36:06 AM
Thank you so much! I think this will be very helpful!
I'll keep you posted on what we end up doing!
Disassembling a Fischer Pool Table
- Title: Disassembling a Fischer Pool Table
- Author: hlthomas
- Published: 11/15/2018 1:10:55 PM
- Last Updated: 11/17/2018 6:20:08 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)