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Custom Table Top for a 1972 8½ Foot Gandy Miss America Pool Table

Custom Table Top for a 1972 8½ Foot Gandy Miss America Pool Table

I have a Gandy, Miss America 8.5' pool table that I got in 1972. I am thinking about moving and want to take the pool table with me.

I have the original installer here who can disassemble it and crate it up for transport, but I am wondering about any particular concerns I should consider that might be involved with a pool table of this particular size, since I can't find any items that fit, which makes me wonder if moving it will generate more problems than it's worth.

I was originally looking to get a removable insert and solid table top for it, for protection and possibly to use for a flat surface to layout large photography projects, but all I can find is 7-foot, 8-foot and 9-foot accessories (vs. 8½-foot).

Can you make something custom for me in regards to the insert and table top?

Custom Table Top for a 1972 8½ Foot Gandy Miss America Pool Table

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Custom Table Top for a 1972 8½ Foot Gandy Miss America Pool Table

  • Title: Custom Table Top for a 1972 8½ Foot Gandy Miss America Pool Table
  • Author: (Diana Shoaf)
  • Published: 11/9/2019 9:03:55 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/4/2020 11:04:30 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)