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Cue Ball Return Not Directing Cue Ball to the Correct End of Pool Table

Cue Ball Return Not Directing Cue Ball to the Correct End of Pool Table

In a U.S. Billiards coin operated pool table, the cue ball returns to the same tray as the object balls instead of to the correct end with the cue ball return.

How do I make the cue ball come out at the other end after a scratch?

Cue Ball Return Not Directing Cue Ball to the Correct End of Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. Tiffany Bokisbilliardsforum on 5/4/2023 4:32:22 PM

    There are generally two ways in which automatic cue ball return is achieved:

    1. Magnetic cue ball - The correct cue ball will be magnetic and thus pulled toward the correct ball return tube.
    2. Oversized cue ball - The correct cue ball will be very slightly over-sized so that it doesn't travel down the tube to the wrong end of the pool table, and can only fit down the correct return tube.

    In both of these cases, if you're using a cue ball other than the type that was meant for your specific pool table, you'll have the problem you described.

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Cue Ball Return Not Directing Cue Ball to the Correct End of Pool Table

  • Title: Cue Ball Return Not Directing Cue Ball to the Correct End of Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/16/2023 4:04:10 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/4/2023 4:39:30 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)