Coin-Op U.S. Billiards Inc. Pool Table - How to get Balls Out Without a Key
3/25/2022 12:37:12 PM
Coin-Op U.S. Billiards Inc. Pool Table - How to get Balls Out Without a Key
I have a U.S. Billiards Inc. coin op pool table.
My balls are stuck and I need keys for my pool table. How can I get the balls out without the key?
Coin-Op U.S. Billiards Inc. Pool Table - How to get Balls Out Without a Key
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/28/2022 9:37:28 AM
That is a bummer.
I guess I am not sure what question to answer. I know you want to get the balls out without the key, but doesn't solve the bigger problem (no key).
What is your end goal?
- Are you looking to get a replacement key? The U.S. Billiards, Inc. is long gone at this point.
- Are you looking to remove the coin-op mechanism altogether? That's more involved. You may have to either remove the slate or access it from underneath, if possible. If you don't have experience, it might be best to hire a pool table tech.
- Do you just want open access to the ball return tray? Perhaps a locksmith can help open it.
According to the pool table technician at Pool Table 911, You can "drill out" the lock if you have no intention of using it again (or if you want to replace the lock itself):
The keys for the coin doors varied. You can easily drill the lock. Take an 1/8th inch bit and drill the center of the key slit. Then take a 1/4 inch bit and drill the same hole. You will eventually drill the screw nut off the lock and the door will open. I have drilled at least a hundred arcade game and pool table locks off this way.
See also:
RayMills on 3/29/2022 4:35:53 AM
If your problem is only the balls, you may want to investigate how the slate is removed to get access to the entire interior. If you're lucky, there is a large access door on the underside, but reaching-in to dislodge balls may mean that something more needs to be permanently adjusted, such as a cube of chalk blocking a channel.
If you can see that the balls are stuck in the display-window area, then you would probably need some preliminary lock work in order to discover the problem, but working through the window and small access panel(s) could be limiting.
I can't tell if you're using this pool table for a business, but if not you could skip keys altogether.
Coin-Op U.S. Billiards Inc. Pool Table - How to get Balls Out Without a Key
- Title: Coin-Op U.S. Billiards Inc. Pool Table - How to get Balls Out Without a Key
- Author: Brenda Stuart
- Published: 3/25/2022 12:37:12 PM
- Last Updated: 3/28/2022 9:25:40 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)