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Who Made This Pool Table with Letter "F" on the Corners?

Who Made This Pool Table with Letter "F" on the Corners?

I am trying to identify this pool table with the letter "F" on the corners. It has been in my parent's home since some time in the mid to late 1960s. It is clearly a coin operated pool table, with that mechanism currently disabled.

My brother opened the coin mechanism and was unable to find any identifying markings. I could find no markings or plates in any place I might expect, and I read a number of posts prior to posting this and checked the various locations that had been suggested in those posts. The underside appears to be one solid piece of wood, and I remember always being told that it was a one piece slate bed.

There are, however, the interesting letter "F" insignia on the corners. The pool table is 4' wide and 7.5' long.

What other information might I provide that would be helpful? I truly appreciate the help and expertise on the forum. Any information you might provide is appreciated.






Who Made This Pool Table with Letter "F" on the Corners?

Replies & Comments

  1. Abigailbilliardsforum on 12/26/2018 7:38:19 AM

    Your pool table is made by Fischer, a now-defunct pool table manufacturer based out of Tipton, MO. Lots of info on this site about Fischer pool tables.

  2. AbigailAbigail on 12/26/2018 7:57:43 AM

    Wow. That was amazingly fast and helpful. Thank you so much.

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Who Made This Pool Table with Letter "F" on the Corners?

  • Title: Who Made This Pool Table with Letter "F" on the Corners?
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/26/2018 6:27:32 AM
  • Last Updated: 12/26/2018 10:14:49 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)