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Identify Brand of Pool Table with No Name Plate

Identify Brand of Pool Table with No Name Plate

I am trying to identify the manufacturer or brand of this pool table with no name plate. It came with house we purchased.

It has no name plate. Just a hand-written serial number underneath. The serial number is 878b206. The two number "8" characters don't look the same to me, so I am not so sure the second one is even a number 8.

I'm not sure if its a 1-piece slate or a 3-piece slate. I can't tell without taking the pool table apart.






Identify Brand of Pool Table with No Name Plate

Replies & Comments

  1. user1550231342billiardsforum on 2/15/2019 2:41:05 PM

    I can see nothing unique or which stands out that will help identify this pool table.

    Serial numbers are generally meaningless for pool table identification as well.

    I can tell you one thing; From the photos, it looks very solidly built. Not like most of the import pool tables of today.

    However, it's odd that the main support beam runs length-wise. Typically you would see two beams similar to that running width-wise.

    I can't tell if the width-wise wood frame beams are evenly spaced (though they are not really beams since they are turned on their side). If it were a three-piece slate pool table, they would almost certainly be 3 equally-sized pieces. It kind of looks like the center exposed area is a lot bigger than the two ends. Might just be the photo though.

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Identify Brand of Pool Table with No Name Plate

  • Title: Identify Brand of Pool Table with No Name Plate
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/15/2019 3:49:03 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/15/2019 2:35:37 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)