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Valley Odd Letters and Numbers

Valley Odd Letters and Numbers

Can someone tell me what OVC means? I know what the #'s mean, but I have no clue what OVC means and neither does Valley.


Valley Odd Letters and Numbers

Replies & Comments

  1. billy71778billiardsforum on 4/11/2017 10:22:06 PM

    Out of curiosity, what do the numbers mean?

    Just a guess on the lettering, but the "VC" of "OVC" might be "Valley Coin-op".

  2. billy71778billy71778 on 4/12/2017 9:01:11 AM

    6E 5369 is the serial # which is also located inside the ball return area.

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Valley Odd Letters and Numbers

  • Title: Valley Odd Letters and Numbers
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/11/2017 9:33:32 AM