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Valley Bar Table Has Buffalo Nickels for Sights?

Valley Bar Table Has Buffalo Nickels for Sights?

Any idea how or who might have done the buffalo nickel inlaid sights on a 1974 Valley bar table?





Valley Bar Table Has Buffalo Nickels for Sights?

Replies & Comments

  1. billy71778billiardsforum on 4/11/2017 10:42:15 PM

    Not 100% sure on this, but the first one that comes to mind is Buffalo Billiards out of Petaluma, CA. Company started in 1953 as a pool hall called "Novato Billiards", and the owner was big into pool table restoration and repair.

    246 Petaluma Blvd N
    Petaluma, CA 94952, USA
    (707) 585-8992

    Below is an Olhausen pool table currently for sale on the Buffalo Billiards website which has the same Buffalo Nickel sights/inlays.



    Seems like it might be something they do to make their restorations unique? You'd have to reach out to confirm for sure though. Couldn't hurt to give them a call.

    Hopefully this points you in the right direction.

    Owner, Lee Simons, was into pool table repair and antique pool table restoration:

    Buffalo Billiards story begins over 60 years ago when owner Lee Simons' father opened his first pool hall, Novato Billiards, in 1953. Lee spent much of his adolescent and teenage years working and hanging out at his fathers pool hall, learning every minute detail of the sport along the way.

    Throughout the years, Lee learned not to not only repair pool tables, but also learned how to masterfully restore antique pool tables, along with pool cues. He continued to manage his fathers business until he felt ready to sell his fathers pool hall, and open one of his own.

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Valley Bar Table Has Buffalo Nickels for Sights?

  • Title: Valley Bar Table Has Buffalo Nickels for Sights?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/11/2017 9:40:16 AM