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Us Billiards Coin Op Pool Table Year?

Us Billiards Coin Op Pool Table Year?

I just took ownership of this US Billiards Coin op 53 x 93 pool table. Does anyone know what year this might be and is there any meaning to the model number GP3-335?





Us Billiards Coin Op Pool Table Year?

Replies & Comments

  1. happy123billiardsforum on 12/13/2019 2:51:17 PM

    Yes, I know the meaning of GP3-335 on your US Billiards, Inc. pool table.

    The "GP3" stands for US Billiards "Green Pepper 3" - the model name of the pool table (you were close with the "Red Pepper" model). The "3" is the smaller model, with a 93" x 53" playing surface. There was also a larger "Green Pepper 5" pool table model as well, with a 103" x 58" playing surface.

    The 335 is probably the serial number I would guess.


  2. happy123maxglitch on 3/21/2023 9:03:01 AM

    I'm looking into a U.S. Billiards Green Pepper pool table from a friend.

    Does someone know if its a 2-piece slate or single-piece slate?

    The mention of a "solid slate plug-in mechanism" made me hesitate.

  3. happy123billiardsforum on 3/25/2023 10:35:20 AM

    I checked the marketing materials for those two models (US Billiards Green Pepper and Red Pepper models) and nothing lists the slate format.

    P.S. I think you misread the brochure, it says solid state (an electrical engineering concept) not solid slate.

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Us Billiards Coin Op Pool Table Year?

  • Title: Us Billiards Coin Op Pool Table Year?
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/11/2019 7:28:49 PM