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Model Name of Olhausen Pool Table Circa 1997

Model Name of Olhausen Pool Table Circa 1997

I have an 9-foot Olhausen pool table in my basement that conveyed with the house I purchased in 2011. From the date on the bottom, it looks like this pool table was built or installed in 1997.

I have attached several pictures of this pool table, and would very much appreciate any help in identifying the pool table model.








Model Name of Olhausen Pool Table Circa 1997

Replies & Comments

  1. jkinchvabilliardsforum on 12/21/2020 5:17:51 AM

    You have an Olhausen "Provincial" pool table, with the "HARDY" leg style (inset "A" in the photo).

    Here is a photo from the 1991-1992 Olhausen catalog:


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Model Name of Olhausen Pool Table Circa 1997

  • Title: Model Name of Olhausen Pool Table Circa 1997
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/20/2020 3:45:34 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/21/2020 5:22:21 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)