Info on a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter Pool Table
2/2/2024 11:06:48 AM
Info on a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter Pool Table
I believe I have a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter pool table. I would like to verify the Manufacturer is indeed Goodman Leavitt & Yatter, and also find out when it was made.
The number on the top of the frame is 3416
. It is a 9-foot pool table with square bevel legs.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am looking for help and information on this pool table. I would like to know the year, make or model, original cost, and current value.
I think it’s a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter pool table.
The nameplate dimensions are the same size on the table.
Here is a picture of the frame:
Thank you,
Info on a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/5/2024 8:28:12 AM
Can we see the name plate (and it's spot on the pool table, if disassembled)?
cpierce2007 on 2/5/2024 5:34:41 PM
Here is the name plate as you can see the Brunswick plat is not a proper fit The Goodman leavitt & yatter dimensions are exact
billiardsforum on 2/7/2024 6:41:31 AM
I've been through the one J.W. Goodman, Leavitt & Yatter catalog I have (circa 1899-1900), and there's nothing even remotely close to this.
I suspect that, based on style, your pool table is from some time later than this.
I've only every seen one other photo of this pool table model. It was listed as a Goodman, Leavitt & Yatter pool table, but the guy didn't know what model or year it was either.
Info on a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter Pool Table
- Title: Info on a Goodman Leavitt & Yatter Pool Table
- Author: cpierce2007 (Chuck Pierce)
- Published: 2/2/2024 11:06:48 AM
- Last Updated: 2/7/2024 7:00:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)