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Identify the Make of Older Pool Table

Identify the Make of Older Pool Table

I have an old pool table that has the model number and serial number but no manufacturer name.

I would like to know the manufacturer and possibly its age and value.

  • Model No: 80-925 88 RETL
  • Serial No: 8178

Here are two photos to go with the model number and serial number.

Thanks for any help in identifying!



Identify the Make of Older Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1707248618billiardsforum on 2/7/2024 9:31:26 AM

    It is a Montgomery Ward "Crusader" pool table from the 1970s and early 1980s.

    In terms of value today, it is unfortunately worth next-to-nothing, honestly (and I sincerely mean no disrespect by that).

    These 1970s-era "department store" pool tables mostly irrelevant in the market today. This is due to an outdated style (by today's standards), a low build quality, and an abundance of quality used brand-name professional grade pool tables available on classified sites (often for "free").

    Here it is from the 1979 Montgomery Ward Christmas Book, Page 377:


    It was still shown in the 1982 Montgomery Ward Spring/Summer Catalog, page 465:


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Identify the Make of Older Pool Table

  • Title: Identify the Make of Older Pool Table
  • Author: (Roger Magnusen)
  • Published: 2/6/2024 2:43:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/7/2024 9:40:39 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)