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Identify Possible Victor 9ft Pool Table (Circa 1920s-1930s)

Identify Possible Victor 9ft Pool Table (Circa 1920s-1930s)

I have an old antique pool table that has been in my family for a long time. I'm just moved the table and I'm having new cloth put on.

The notable parts of the pool table include a wooden ball return system, a 3-piece slate top, and a metal name plate that reads 'Keystone Billiards Co'. I'm told the wooden return systems dates this table to sometime in the 1920's or 1930's

I also have a Rosatto Barry Co cue rack with the pool table. I'm told Keystone Billiards used to retrofit pool tables with some of their work and add their name plates to them.

I am located in the Philadelphia area and so is my family, so it would of been purchased here. It seems that it could be a Victor Billiards pool table or a Rosatto Barry pool table that Keystone retrofitted.

I'm looking for any and all information possible because I think this antique pool table has quite the history.

Legs, rails, apron:


3 piece slate top and hardware:


Rosatto Barry cue rack. I'm told it might be worth something.


I was told this was a Victor table which was retrofitted by Keystone Billiards.


Source: reddit.com/r/billiards/comments/j7qqfm/victor_9ft_looking_for_infohistory/

Identify Possible Victor 9ft Pool Table (Circa 1920s-1930s)

Replies & Comments

  1. user1602241836billiardsforum on 10/9/2020 7:56:15 AM

    I am digging that Rosatto Barry pool cue rack. Very nice piece. Specifically, the water-decal of the Rosatto Barry logo seems to be fully intact and in fantastic shape! One of the best I have come across.

    Regarding the pool table, would you happen to have a photo (or photos) of the table fully assembled?

    I tend to agree with the assessment that it might be a Victor Billiards pool table. Specifically, the characteristics I see in the legs and the square feet underneath seem to be similar to those on other Victor Billiards pool table models.

    For example, take a look at this brochure page of a Victor Billiards "Cleveland" model pool table. Notice the similar leg shape and similar wooden(?) feet underneath.


    Also note the similar pocket openings on this Victor Billiards pool table:

    Can you share a close-up of the heads of one of the rail bolts? Here's a Victor Billiards rail bolt:


    Unfortunately I don't have any catalogs showing a Victor Billiards pool table that has identical characteristics to yours, but the one above seems similar.

    Also, are there any numbers stamped into the wood near the bolt holes? Here's a photo showing the rail bolts on a Rosatto Barry pool table in relation to where the serial numbers were stamped.


    And here's a 1930s Rosatto Barry "Quaker" model pool table. Not sure if anything on this looks similar to yours e.g. the tin(?) pocket covers, bridge hangers, etc.


  2. user1602241836user1602241836 on 10/9/2020 8:26:26 AM

    Thank you so much for the reply!

    The Victor Cleveland model was previously mentioned and it does seem likely. A few differences I see include:

    1. The built-in ball racks
    2. My pool table has a long strip on the skirts (vs. the 2x2 stacked compartment shown on any pictures I can find).
    3. I also cannot find anything matching the wooden ball return system. It seems like it was changed to a metal 'silent' ball return system at some point.

    I've included pictures of the bridge hooks, screw head, and stamps from inside the skirt as well.

    Ball rack:


    Rail bolt screw heads:


    The bridge hooks that mount to the side:


    The number '3059' is written and stamped on many pieces:


    Close up of pocket pieces:


    I do not have a picture of the pool table fully assembled. It is set to be assembled at the end of the month.

  3. user1602241836O2doc on 1/13/2021 1:24:51 PM

    The look of your corner pocket superstructure and bridge hooks is spot on with the attached photo from my known Victor pool table circa 1930s.

    I bought it in the late 1980s from a closing Frank’s pool hall in Manayunk.

    Your wooden ball return would likely pre-date the patented (1927) Lanza system of rubber-padded metal rodding (seen in my 1st pic below). I second the Forum’s motion: Please post a pic of the assembled pool table when it's done.




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Identify Possible Victor 9ft Pool Table (Circa 1920s-1930s)

  • Title: Identify Possible Victor 9ft Pool Table (Circa 1920s-1930s)
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/9/2020 4:10:36 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/9/2020 7:38:42 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)