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Identify Model of a Gandy Pool Table

Identify Model of a Gandy Pool Table

Does anyone know what model Gandy this pool table is?

All of the Gandy pool tables that I have seen are more contemporary in design with particle board sides (and I owned one like that). This one looks much nicer.



Identify Model of a Gandy Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. BallBusterbilliardsforum on 5/25/2022 11:18:45 AM

    It's impossible to tell from that photo alone. For pool table identifications, it's best to post a few clear, well-lit photos of various aspects of the pool table, including legs, aprons, and rails.

    However, based on that small sub-section in the photo above, it appears to be a Gandy Savannah pool table.

    Here it is shown in natural mahogany with rosewood rails.


    The MSRP of this pool table at the time Gandy closed it's doors was as follows:

    • Oak - $4795
    • Mahogany - $5395
    • Cherry - $5395

    Note that those are just MSRPs. Most "furniture-style" Gandy pool tables are not worth anywhere near that.

  2. BallBusterBallBuster on 5/25/2022 12:29:48 PM

    Yeah, that looks like the model. Thanks.

    They want $500 for it and they are negotiable, but I found a cool antique Mass Billiards Co. pool table for a song so I'm no longer interested in that Gandy.

    I had a 8' Pro Gandy and the slate was level but had some fissures through it. I threw that pool table away too and used the slate as a patio. It cracked along the fissures so it was definitely slate that shouldn't have been used for a pool table. Maybe this is why Gandy is no longer in business.

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Identify Model of a Gandy Pool Table

  • Title: Identify Model of a Gandy Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/17/2022 10:26:06 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/25/2022 11:24:15 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)