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Identify Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table Age and Value

Identify Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table Age and Value

I need some help identifying this Brunswick Balke Collender pool table. I am also looking for age and value.





Identify Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table Age and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. user1539119690billiardsforum on 10/9/2018 7:35:14 PM

    It looks to be a Brunswick Balke Collender "The Monroe" pool table which was made from 1926 to about 1930.

    This one is from the 1928 Brunswick Billiards catalog:


    This one is from the 1926 Brunswick Billiards catalog:



  2. user1539119690user1539119690 on 10/11/2018 10:24:02 AM

    I would like to put some value on this table so that I can sell it.

    Any idea how much it's worth?

  3. user1539119690billiardsforum on 10/11/2018 3:52:13 PM

    They don't command much money in an un-restored state like the one in your photos. Certain older rare models do sometimes, but this isn't one of those.

    There was one on eBay recently, listed for $2000 and it didn't sell at that price. It was in at least as good a shape as yours, if not a bit nicer. It was probably about double the price it would need to be in order to sell (see pics below).

    There seems to be an abundance of really well-restored Brunswick Monroe pool tables out there as well. That doesn't help.

    Also remember, with buying an antique used pool tables, the buyer has likely three additional expenses other than the sale:

    1. Tear-down and moving costs
    2. Restoration costs
    3. Setup costs

    Items 1 and 3 can run upwards of $500 to $1000 easily. Item 2 - the sky's the limit.

    Brunswick pool table 1918 Monroe, with Monarch cushions

    Price:US $2,000.00

    Brunswick pool table 1918 Monroe model with Monarch Cushions. Condition is Used. I bought it in 85 or so, from a high school friend,whose grand dad bought it new.I paid 2 K for it back then



    Source: ebay.ca/itm/Brunswick-pool-table-1918-Monroe-Monarch-cushions-/222572730371

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Identify Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table Age and Value

  • Title: Identify Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table Age and Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/9/2018 2:14:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 10/9/2018 7:36:34 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)