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ID Antique Brunswick Pool Table with Serial #141599

ID Antique Brunswick Pool Table with Serial #141599

Can anyone help to identify an old Brunswick Balke-Collender pool table?

It has serial number 141599 on most pieces.


ID Antique Brunswick Pool Table with Serial #141599

Replies & Comments

  1. user1633167251billiardsforum on 10/21/2021 1:59:45 PM

    Unfortunately not.

    The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co. suffered a few major fires through the years and as a result, lots many records which mapped serial numbers to any useful information about the pool tables.

    If we can see the rest of the pool table we might be able to identify the model and narrow down the date range.

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ID Antique Brunswick Pool Table with Serial #141599

  • Title: ID Antique Brunswick Pool Table with Serial #141599
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/2/2021 9:34:11 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/21/2021 1:57:33 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)