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ID and Value a Gandy Pool Table

ID and Value a Gandy Pool Table

I have an 8-foot Gandy Pool table.

I don’t have the paperwork on it from when I purchased it about 20 years ago, but I wanted to see how much it is worth. I don’t recall what we paid back then.

It has an attachment that goes on top to convert it to either a ping pong or hockey table.

Is there anyway to tell what model Gandy pool table we have?

I’m trying to see if it has slate.

I wanna see what it is worth and if someone would be able to help me with that. Please email me back and let me know. Thank you.



ID and Value a Gandy Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1709998906billiardsforum on 3/10/2024 9:54:50 AM

    It appears to be a Gandy Lexington pool table (or similar) model.

    They're good quality, USA-made pool tables. It would definitely have slate.

    The only difference is the cut of the rails on yours. The product image of the Gandy Lexington pool table has straight-edged rails, but the rest of the pool table looks the same.

    It's value should be somewhere between $600 and $1200. It really depends on what is available in your local market and at what price.


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ID and Value a Gandy Pool Table

  • Title: ID and Value a Gandy Pool Table
  • Author: (Kevin Smith)
  • Published: 3/9/2024 10:41:47 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/9/2024 11:37:51 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)