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Help Identify which Model of Fischer Billiards Table this Is

Help Identify which Model of Fischer Billiards Table this Is

Would you please help identify which model of Fischer billiards table this is?

I’m also trying to find out what the legs for this pool table look like.

I thank you in advance for any assistance you can send my way.






Help Identify which Model of Fischer Billiards Table this Is

Replies & Comments

  1. Bewitchedmunsterbilliardsforum on 6/26/2023 5:31:23 PM

    I can't really get a feel for what it really looks like from those photos.

    Based on those alone, it could be any one of a fair number of Fischer pool table models.

    If I read your question correctly, I guess you don't have the legs - and those would be a key identifying feature in determining the model.

    Perhaps lay it down flat and take clear photos of each side in full view, and we'll go from there.

  2. BewitchedmunsterBewitchedmunster on 6/26/2023 6:21:24 PM

    Thank you for the information. Without a posse of super strong individuals I won’t be moving this pool table anytime soon, as she is a heavy! LOL!

    I was able to locate the badge with the serial number: A55849. Are there any specific features I should try to locate, photograph, and post?

    Thank you again for any and all assistance you’re able and willing to send me.

    The sides are black particle board:



  3. Bewitchedmunsterbilliardsforum on 6/26/2023 8:50:18 PM

    Unfortunately the serial number alone can not be used to trace back to a model number.

    Most models were made from that type of wood so that doesn't help either.

    Again, those photos (earlier ones, and the latest ones) are almost too close-up to get a good feel for what it looks like.

    I just looked through my Fischer Billiards catalogs, and there are literally around 15 different models it could be based on what is visible in your photos.

  4. BewitchedmunsterBewitchedmunster on 6/26/2023 9:05:27 PM

    Well phooey :0) Thank you for checking into it. I will try to get some better pics. In all the research I’ve done I haven’t been able to find a single picture of a Fischer table w/black particle board sides. Only wood or wood grain look sides & rails. The rails on this 1 do have a wood grain look. Do the numbers printed on the underside of the slate mean anything at all?

  5. Bewitchedmunsterbilliardsforum on 6/27/2023 6:34:19 AM

    The sides are 100% painted by someone. They wouldn't have been black like that originally.

    The numbers on the slate are only specific to the slate (e.g. a lot number) and not the pool table itself.

  6. BewitchedmunsterBewitchedmunster on 6/27/2023 6:35:32 AM

    Okey-dokey. Thank you for the info.

    This is the best I can do at getting a full frontal shot if the pool table. I hope it helps with identification.



    I appreciate you for all your help. Have a fantastic day!

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Help Identify which Model of Fischer Billiards Table this Is

  • Title: Help Identify which Model of Fischer Billiards Table this Is
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/24/2023 3:06:51 AM
  • Last Updated: 6/26/2023 5:29:19 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)